Version History
Vistumbler Version History
Vistumbler v8.1 8/10/2008
- Download EXE: Vistumbler v8.1
- Download ZIP: Vistumbler v8.1 source
Vistumbler v8.0 7/11/2008
- Download EXE: Vistumbler v8.0
- Download ZIP: Vistumbler v8.0 source
- Vistumbler now keeps a GPS position history
- Added Auto KML - Live google earth access point tracking
- Added VS1 export - Vistumblers new VS1 format exports GPS history anf GPS data
- New settings window
- New Import window
- Seperated compass from gps details window. Both GPS Compass and GPS details now rember their last position
- Added GPS format options
- Added Export and Import from Netstumbler Text File
- Added code to reduce memory
Vistumbler v7.6 6/2/2008
- Download EXE: Vistumbler v7.6
- Download ZIP: Vistumbler v7.6 source
- Updated KML icons to point to new website location
- Added options to Export KML so you can choose what kind of APs to map
- Added debug display (disabled by default)
Vistumbler v7.5 05/17/2008
- Re-Uploaded 05/18/2008 to fix a problem
- Download EXE: Vistumbler v7.5
- Download ZIP: Vistumbler v7.5 source
- Updated Sort functions so they actually work
- Updated "Import From TXT" function so it is faster
- Added AutoSave feature
- Added "Open Save Folder" link into the file menu
- Added timeouts to While loops to try and prevent freezing
- Added third icon for WEP APs in KML files - suggested here
- Fixed Loading total line being one off
- Added updated Italian language files
- Modified german language files so encryption will show
Visumbler v7.43 04/05/2008
- Download EXE: Vistumbler v7.43
- Download ZIP: Vistumbler v7.43 source
- Modified GPS GPGGA so it would take a fix quality of 2 and not just 1
- Fixed Latitude and longitude being backwards when updating gps location from 0.0000000
- Fixed GPS being put into array in wrong position when updating gps location from 0.0000000
- Replace spanish language pack with one created by dupin
Vistumbler v7.42 02/26/08
- Download EXE: Vistumbler v7.42
- Download ZIP: Vistumbler v7.42 source
- Widened buttons on the main window for other languages
- Fixed import of saved files. It now does not miss the last line
- Modified save to kml so that when it exports it uses the language that vistumbler is using.
Vistumbler v7.41 02/20/08
- Download EXE: Vistumbler v7.41
- Download ZIP: Vistumbler v7.41 source
- Added czech.ini language file by PS72
- Expanded Columns For Latitude, Longitude, Refresh Time, and Active APs
Vistumbler v7.4 02/03/08
- Download EXE: Vistumbler v7.4
- Download ZIP: Vistumbler v7.4 source
- Added Column Width Settings window
- Modified GPS internals so it should be more compatible
- Made some more GUI text changeable
- Added updated German Language
- Added Updated manufactures
- Fixed GPRMC showing as GPGMC
- Added Code to remember last position of the vistumbler window
Vistumbler v7.3 01/23/08
- Download EXE: Vistumbler v7.3
- Download ZIP: Vistumbler v7.3 source
- Added network refresher (Extra --> Start Refreshing Networks)
Added Ability to graph when access point goes dead. So drops can be shown (Options --> Graph Dead Time)
Updated GPS code to fix results being calculated a 1/2 mile off in certain areas
Vistumbler v7.2 01/13/08
- Download EXE: Vistumbler v7.2
- Download ZIP: Vistumbler v7.2 source
- To use GPS you can use 'CommMG' or 'Netcomm OCX'. 'CommMG' is included, but it is less stable. With 'CommMG' if you unplug the GPS without turning it off then Vistumbler will crash. 'Netcomm OXC' does not have this problem. To use 'Netcomm OCX' it first needs to be installed ( ). If you are using x64 vista, CommMG is your only option.
- Added CommMG dll to make vistumbler GPS compatible with Vista x64
- Added GPS details screen (Extra -> GPS Details)
- Fixed KML export feature so it indicated open/wep correctly
- Fixed Latidude Longitude import into array on file load
Vistumbler v7.1 11/12/07
- Download EXE: Vistumbler v7.1
- Download ZIP: Vistumbler v7.1 source
- Fixed "Add Manufacturer by Mac" and "Add Labels by Mac" GUIs so when they sort they to not mess up mac address that are all numbers (string being treated as a number)
- Fixed numbering access points when loading a list into another list
- Fixed columns being in wrong order when vistumbler is loaded without a ini file
- Added French language by Bubu
Vistumbler v7 - 11/11/07
- Download EXE: Vistumbler v7
- Download ZIP: Vistumbler v7 source
- Vistumbler now uses arrays instead of the listview to store its data. This has sped up vistumbler
- Vistumbler now uses the windows API to draw the graph instead of native autoit drawing tools. This should help with the flickinging of the screen every time the graph refreshes
- Changed when new AP sound is played. It will only play once per loop now.
- Signal history is no longer kept in the listview (yet another speed/cpu improvment)
- many small speed improvements
- Added Italian language file proved by Mimmo17
- Added "Open" and "None" Searchwords so other languages will be able to export to KML file
- Modified change language GUI so it now shows language creator, data, and description
- Added AP number column into the AP list
Vistumbler v6.1 - 10/29/07
- Download EXE: Vistumbler v6.1
- Download ZIP: Vistumbler v6.1 source
- To use GPS you will need the 'Netcomm OCX' ( )
- Added GUI to add and edit labels
- Added GUI to add and edit manufactues
- Added German Language pack given by "CD Fighter" in the techidiots forum
- Fixed "Exit" in the file menu
Vistumber v6 - 10/28/07
- Download: Vistumbler v6
- Download: Vistumbler v6 source
- To use GPS you will need the 'Netcomm OCX' ( )
- Made GUI words set by variable and able to be changed by language pack
- GUI reorganization
Vistumbler v5.9 - 10/25/07
- Download: Vistumbler 5.9
- Download: Vistumbler 5.9 source
- To use GPS you will need the 'Netcomm OCX' ( )
- Added language selection window (Options --> Set Language). Right now I only have English and Spanish but I am hoping I can get more. Languages can be added to the vistumbler\Languages directory
- Moved settings and sounds into their own folders
- Fixed various spelling errors (eg. Chanel, Encryption)
Vistumbler v5.81 - 10/17/2007
- Download: Vistumbler 5.81
- Download: Vistumbler 5.81 source
- To use GPS you will need the 'Netcomm OCX' ( )
Updated link to Phils php graph
- Modified how new APs get added to the list so that the empty row is not so visible before the data gets put into it
Vistumbler v5.8 beta - 10/15/2007
- Download: Vistumbler 5.8
- Download: Vistumbler 5.8 source
- To use GPS you will need the 'Netcomm OCX' ( )
- Fixed First Active time changing when it shoudn't have been (it was changing to Last Active every loop)
- Added Signal History 2 so more that 4095 lines could be stored. Vistumbler now supports 8190 characters for signal data (some of this is used for the delimiters)
- Added link to my friends PHP graphing in the Extra menu. This graphs the current selected access point and allows for the graph to be saved as png. His website is
Vistumbler v5.7 beta - 10/08/2007
- Download: Vistumbler 5.7
- Download: Vistumbler 5.7 source
- To use GPS you will need the 'Netcomm OCX' ( )
- Added second type of graphing. This graph allows more samples
- Fixed New AP sound
- Added GPS error sound
Vistumbler v5.6 beta - 9/30/2007
- Download: Vistumbler 5.6
- Download ZIP: Vistumbler 5.6 source
- To use GPS you will need the 'Netcomm OCX' ( )
- Added GPS error support. Vistumbler no longer crashes when the GPS is unplugged before being turned off
Vistumbler v5.5 beta - 09/16/2007
- Download EXE: Vistumbler v5.5
- Download ZIP: Vistumbler v5.5 source
- Created EXE installer for vistumbler
- Various bug fixes
- Changed when controls get resized to make it look better
- Vistumbler no longer crashes if you don't have the netcomm ocx installed when you turn on the gps. It will just prompt you to install the netcomm ocx and not turn gps on.
- Created vistumbler icon
Vistumbler v5.4 beta - 09/11/2007
- Download: Vistumbler v5.4
- To use GPS you will need the 'Netcomm OCX' ( )
- Fixed access points not showing if multiple access points were returned in one SSID
Vistumbler v5.3 beta - 09/11/2007
- Download: Vistumbler v5.3
- To use GPS you will need the 'Netcomm OCX' ( )
- Modified GUI. All data is now kept in one listview, this should help speed up vistumbler in big lists
- Output file has changed in this version. you can no longer import output files from previous versions
Vistumbler v5.2 beta - 09/10/2007
- Download: Vistumbler v5.2
- To use GPS you will need the 'Netcomm OCX' ( )
- Added 'mac_labels.ini' which allows you to assign a specific mac address a label (helpful if all your access points have the same SSID and you don't want to memorize mac addresses)
- When you switch tabs(detailts to graph or graph to details) it takes the current selected access point in the current tab and selects the same access point in the new tab.
Vistumbler v5.1 beta - 09/09/2007 <-- BDAY RELEASE
- Download: Vistumbler v5.1
- To use GPS you will need the 'Netcomm OCX' ( )
- Graph now resizes when the window is resized
- Fixed graph listview resizing problem
- Export to TXT and Save To TXT now also save graph data
- Import From TXT now imports graph data
- Graph listview can now be sorted and reorganized
- Added exit confirmation if data has changed
Vistumbler v5.05 beta - 09/08/2007
- Download: Vistumbler v5.05
- To use GPS you will need the 'Netcomm OCX' ( )
- Vistumbler is now resizable again
Vistumbler v5 Beta - 09/07/2007
- Download: Vistumbler v5
- To use GPS you will need the 'Netcomm OCX' ( )
- Added signal graphing feature
- In this version of vistumbler you are not able to resize the vistumbler window. This is because of the changes I had to make to get the graph on a tabbed interface. I am looking for a way to make the window resizable again, but for now it is not.
Vistumbler v4.3 Beta - 09/01/2007
- Download: Vistumbler 4.3
- To use GPS you will need the 'Netcomm OCX' ( )
- Changed how data gets updated. the GUI only updates now if data from netsh has changed. this should make the program less cpu intensive and it should work better with big lists.
Vistumbler v4.2 Beta - 08/26/2007
- Download: Vistumbler 4.2
- To use GPS you will need the 'Netcomm OCX' ( )
- Cleaned up code
- Made Vistumbler less cpu intensive
- Various bug fixes
Vistumbler v4.1 Beta - 08/23/2007
- Download: Vistumbler 4.1
- To use GPS you will need the 'Netcomm OCX' ( )
- Added GUI to change netsh search words
- Added message label to the GUI
- Fixed some things I had taken out when i changed the GUI
Vistumbler v4 Beta - 08/19/2007
- Download: Vistumbler 4.0
- To use GPS you will need the 'Netcomm OCX' ( )
- GUI Change. Added treeview, moved GPS and Sort settings into seperated option GUIs
- Various code changes
Vistumbler 3.31 Beta 08/03/2007
- Download: Vistumbler 3.31
- To use GPS you will need the 'Netcomm OCX' ( )
- When column width or postion is changed the new width or position will be saved in the INI file as the default settings
- Added option to change if new access points are added to the top of the list or the bottom
Vistumbler 3.2 Beta 08/02/2007
- Download: Vistumbler 3.2
- To use GPS you will need the 'Netcomm OCX' ( )
- Clicking a columns header now sorts based on that column
- Column position can be changed by draging and droping from the columns header
- Added sound for new access points
- Added grid lines
- GUI modification
Vistumbler 3.1 Beta 08/01/2007
- Download: Vistumbler 3.1
- To use GPS you will need the 'Netcomm OCX' ( )
- Added Ascending/Decending Combo box to the sort feature
- Made it so 'Auto Sort' state gets save in ini.
- Added miliseconds to timestamp so that it sorts better in 'Sort By Last Active' and 'Sort By First Active' mode
Vistumbler 3.0 Beta 07/30/2007
- Download: Vistumbler 3.0
- To use GPS you will need the 'Netcomm OCX' ( )
- Added Sort Feature
- Made column position, name, and width changeable by 'vistumbler_settings.ini'
- Made netsh search terms changeable. this should allow for Vistumbler to be easily modified for other languages
- Added Manufacturer column. Data is taken from the 'MANUFACURERS' section of 'vistumbler_settings.ini', Data is formated 'FirstSixMacAddressChars=Company' (e.g. 000D29=Cisco ). Manufacturer information was taken from here ( )
- Output file format has changed. Files from previous versions of vistumbler will not be compatible
Vistumbler 2.2 Beta 07/21/2007
- Download: Vistumbler 2.2
To use GPS you will need the 'Netcomm OCX' ( )
- Modified how gps port gets open. Gps port opens when "Use GPS" is turned on and closed when "Use GPS" turns off instead of opening and closing the port every cycle.
- Added StringStripWS to information striped from netsh to get rid of unwanted white space
Vistumbler 2.1 Beta 07/21/2007
- Download: Vistumbler 2.1
- To use GPS you will need the 'Netcomm OCX' ( )
- Added connection speeds into the gps buad selector
- Changed COM port selection to a combo box
- Added total access points into the GUI
- Changed how the program gets its gps location
- Restructured Program
- Fixed 'First Active' 'Last Active' timestamps.
Vistumbler 2.0 Beta 07/16/2007
- Download: Vistumbler 2.0
- To use GPS you will need the 'Netcomm OCX' ( )
- Changed how data is displayed.
- Added GPS functionality
Vistumbler 1.0 Beta 7/11/2007
- Download: Vistumbler 1.0
- First Release
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